[Five Rune Readings]
  1. Yes-No Answers
  2. The Three Rune Reading
  3. The Runic or Celtic Cross Reading

1. Yes-No Answers
With a "yes-no" question clearly in mind, cast all of the 24 runes onto your opened bag. Disregard those runes that fall outside the bag's parameter. Only those positioned totally on the bag are to be read. If the majority of runes are face up, the answer is "yes". If the majority are face down, the answer is "no".
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2. The Three Rune Reading
This reading is very effective for answering a specific question on a specific matter. In this reading , three runes are selected unseen and placed side by side as indicated below.

Reading from left to right, the first rune provides an Overview of the situation, the second rune identifies the Challenge, and the third rune indicates the Course of Action called for.
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3. The Runic or Celtic Cross Reading
This spread is a very common general life reading that calls for selecting six runes arranged in the form of a runic cross illustrated in the center of your bag.

Rune 1. PAST. This represents a situation from your recent past that explains why the situation is currently like it is. This rune sheds light into your character in terms of how you've handled situations in the past.

Rune 2. YOU NOW. This rune refers to your current situation. The basic energies and happenings you are currently dealing with.

Rune 3. FUTURE. This rune indicates where the situation is taking you. What is likely to occur. It represents the best possible outcome for the situation based on how you've dealt with problems in the past.

Rune 4. FOUNDATION. This rune provides a look into the heart of the matter under consideration. The unconscious elements involved.

Rune 5. CHALLENGE. This rune represents the things you should concentrate on in order to affect positive changes. This rune can be very important in helping realign your priorities.

Rune 6. NEW SITUATION. The final rune indicates what you can finally expect from your question when you successfully meet your challenges.
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